I have some very exciting news: For the first time ever, I am offering a Level 4 class! It will be on Mondays from 6-8pm, from December 14 - February 22 here at my Williamsburg classroom on Graham Avenue and Ainslie Street. I have hired Christina Rufin, a professor who is a native speaker to teach the class, but we will be designing the curriculum together. Christina is one of my former professors from the New School and actually taught the Level 4 class that I was in (as a student, myself) several years ago. She is an incredible teacher who is really good at helping students make sense of the really difficult topics of Intermediate-level French.
The topics that will be covered in the class are:
-review/practice of all past tenses
-the subjunctive (Il faut que je fasse toujours mes devoirs, etc.)
-the conditional (Je voudrais suivre un cours de niveau 4, etc.)
-the future (J'irai au Brésil pour les Jeux Olympiques en 2012, etc.)
-object pronouns: en, y, me, te, etc. (Moi aussi, j'y vais. Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?, etc.)
And of course, there will be a continual focus on conversation skills as we work on this specific grammar and general vocabulary.
This course is perfect for those who once were really good at French but need to brush up since we'll be studying many subjects that always cause a little bit of difficulty at an intermediate level - especially the subjunctive! Also, those of you who have never taken a class higher than Level 3 will also benefit from finally taking your French skills to the next level with all of the other verb tenses and really starting to get serious about speaking French at a conversational level. If you are one of my former students and feel ready for Level 4, contact me if you are interested and we'll discuss this further.
The tuition is $225 for these 10 two-hour classes. We will continue to use the "Interaction" textbook (about $30 used on Amazon if you don't already have a copy) and we will continually be bringing in other materials, which are included in the tuition price, as well.
We will meet from 6-8pm on the following Mondays:
December 14
December 21
(Il n'y aura de cours le 28 décembre, bien sûr)
January 4
January 11
January 18
January 25
February 1
February 8
February 15, and
February 22 is the last date when you will giving your final presentations
*If you aren't going to be in town for the December 21st class, but still interested overall: just let me know...if enough people are already going to be out of town, we'll skip that one and add a date onto the end.
I already have 3 confirmed students in this class and there is a limit of 8, so please let me know ASAP if you'd like to reserve a spot. I'm hoping to know who will be taking the other 5 spots by Monday or Tuesday of next week and I have a feeling that I will get a lot of responses once this email goes out so please don't hesitate to let me know if you are interested, even if you want to wait a few days before making a final decision. Either way, you can sign up directly via email for this class.
Comme toujours, please ask any questions you may have. I really look forward to seeing some of you that I haven't seen in a while and to meet some of the new people that have contacted me over the past few months about higher-level courses.
A très bientôt, j'espère -
Sam Maher
(917) 747-3043
C'est très bien!