lundi 31 janvier 2011
jeudi 6 janvier 2011
Niveau 3/4+: Vocabulaire 2010 vs. 2011: qu'est-ce qu'on dit, qu'est-ce qu'on ne dit plus ?
Ces mots qu'on laisse en 2010
Trop de décalé tue le décalé. Initialement destiné à désigner un ton à part, hors des normes habituelles, en décalage donc, le mot "décalé" a fini par devenir branchouille. On le trouve dans 99% des cahiers des charges de plans de communication ou de médias et d'absolument tout ce qui tente de suivre la tendance. (TV, magazines, blogs, même votre cousine vous apprend qu'elle va ouvrir un charcutier-traiteur "décalé" à côté de Marseille, parce qu'il y aura aussi des légumes) Mais quand tout est décalé, plus rien n'est décalé.
En 2011, on pourra utiliser le mot "décalé" pour justifier une erreur ou une absurdité en prétendant que c'était volontaire. Exemple: "Marlène, vous avez mis en ligne un papier sans aucun accent, c'est normal ?" Réponse: "Oh oui, c'est décalé.C'est un choix éditorial, en fait." Autre exemple: "Mais Jean-Mouloud, que fais-tu avec ta langue dans la bouche de Sophie, ma meilleure amie ?" Réponse: "Non c'est pas ce que tu crois, on teste une forme d'amitié décalée."
Haute Autorité de Lutte contre les Discriminations, en voix de disparition (l'institution, pas les discriminations). Prenons les paris, en 2012 la HALDE n'existera plus.
En 2011, on répond à son fils qui se plaint de s'être fait piquer ses billes par des filles à la récré "Je vais le dire à la HALDE" ce qui signifie qu'on ne fera rien du tout ou au pire, qu'on enverra une lettre de remontrance. Cordialement.
lundi 3 janvier 2011
Really good iPhone/iPad apps for French and Spanish dictionaries

There's both iPad and iPhone versions and, if you are connected to the Internet, there is a voice recording of the pronunciation of each word. Incroyable!
Search iTunes App Store for "Larousse"!
Level 1 Vocabulary

Look it up, try to figure out some of the subtle slang-ish nuances before they are discussed in class, and don't forget how important gender is! Click the PDF image here to download it!
vendredi 8 octobre 2010
lundi 20 septembre 2010
Prepositions and Geography
The rule is actually easy: if the neighborhood/ borough has no article in English, use the preposition "à":
Je travaille à Manhattan.
Je vis à Williamsburg.
Je vais à Harlem.
But if there is an article ("the") in English, use the preposition "dans" and the definite article:
J'habite dans le Bronx,
Je mange au restaurant dans le Lower East Side
Je fais du shopping dans l'East Village
J'ai un appartement dan l'Upper East Side
The only exception to the rule is "Queens". There is no article in English, but there is one in French: "Le Queens". So use the preposition "dans" with Queens:
J'habite dans le Queens.
What preposition to use with the States?
Since every single word in French has a gender, States have one too! Most of them are masculine, but 9 are feminine.
With the masculine states use "en" if they start with an 'A' and "dans le" otherwise:
En Alabama
En Alaska
En Arizona
En Arkansas
Dans le Connecticut
Dans le Dakota du Nord
Dans le Dakota du Sud
Dans le Delaware
Dans l'Illinois
Dans l'Indiana
Dans l'Iowa
Dans le Kansas
Dans le Kentucky
Dans le Maine
Dans le Maryland
Dans le Massachusetts
Dans le Michigan
Dans le Minnesota
Dans le Mississippi
Dans le Missouri
Dans le Montana
Dans le Nebraska
Dans le Nevada
Dans le New Hampshire
Dans le New Jersey
Dans l'etat New York
Dans l'Ohio
Dans l'Oklahoma
Dans l'Oregon
Dans le Rhode Island
Dans le Tennessee
Dans l'Utah
Dans le Vermont
Dans le Wisconsin
Dans le Wyoming
Au Nouveau-Mexique
Au Texas
With feminine Sates use the preposition "en" :
En Californie
En Caroline du Nord
En Caroline du Sud
En Floride
En Georgie
En Louisiane
En Pennsylvanie
En Virginie
En Virginie-Occidentale
vendredi 13 août 2010
Le Roi Lion, il vit en toi clip vidéo
My favorite song from Le Roi Lion and the (very well produced) music video for it!
Two cool upcoming events for Francophiles through Meetup!
For more info, click here.
#2: Announcing a new Meetup for The NYC French Social Meetup Group!
What: French Social at AKAI Lounge
When: Thursday, August 19, 2010 7:00 PM
Price: $2.00 per person
Where: Akai Lounge
507 Columbus Avenue between 84th & 85th
New York, NY 10024
(212) 362-6200
Salut tout le monde,
Come join us for a wonderful evening at AKAI Lounge. We are going to start again our Social French evenings, where you get to meet other Francophones and Francophiles in a quiet environment. We will however still be having our weekend party events. Just wanted to make sure that everyone is happy.This is the perfect opportunity for those members who would like to brush up on their French. There will also be members who come from French regions. All levels of French are accepted.
Do come by and enjoy wonderful conversation, delicious food as well as lovely drinks. Management has arranged a 20% off on all drinks as well as 15% off on food just for our group. I really look forward in seeing many of you at this event, as we do intend on having a fun time.
Meetup Organizer, Rory Biscette , 347.425.4231
More info and RSVP here!
mercredi 7 juillet 2010
Where to celebrate Bastille Day in NYC? by Léa Perret, STF Professor
mardi 6 juillet 2010
lundi 5 juillet 2010
Je Joue au theatre!
Adenike Thomas, Amen Igbinosun, Audrey Hailes, Cherrye Davis, Chinaza Uche, Hazelle Goodman*, Jerry Ford, Jonan Everett, Joseph Covino, Joy Caldwell, Nneoma Nkuku*, Shenelle Eaton Foster, Von Ali Wright, Willie Teacher, Zachary Webber, and Zainab Jah*
645 Saint Nicholas Avenue
New York, NY 10030
[Via Subway: A/C, B/D train to 145th Street in Harlem]
Production Team:
Sets: John Jalandoni, Costumes: Jesca Prudencio, Lights: T. Rick Hayashi, Sound: Yusuke Namiki, Choreography: Ani Niemann, Fights: Willie Teacher Stage Manager: Jamal Jordan Postcard by: Elizabeth Rossi
Associate Producers:
Kisa Wilis, & Brandon Kyle Goodman
Walker International Group
Equity Approved Showcase
mercredi 30 juin 2010
Les Chaud Lapins in Park Slope Sat July 10th

376 9th St. (corner of 6th Ave.) Park Slope, Brooklyn
F Train to 7th Ave - then walk downhill one block to 6th Ave
Kurt Hoffman and Meg Reichardt cover Charles Trenet songs and other jewels from the French 30's and 40's musical traditions accompanying themselves on banjo-ukes.
samedi 19 juin 2010
Homeless and hopeless, he is taken in by a group of merry misfits (the mic macs), among them an ex-con, a contortionist, a mathematician, and a human cannonball. The jolly motley crew lives in a junkyard, recycling materials and building ingenious knick-knacks to support themselves. But when Bazil discovers that his bullet and the bomb that killed his father are made by two feuding weapons companies, he hatches a brilliant plan to take them down. Quirky, energetic, and layered with timely themes, Jeunet's Micmacsis a feast for the eyes and fun for the whole family.
J'avoue is a cabaret of French songs that shouldn't be forgotten. From Barbara to Jacques Brel, Michel Legrand and Edith Piaf, these classics establish a link between our cultures. If you are curious or romantic, this is the rendez-vous not to be missed for Make Music New York!
Floanne chante J'avoue
June 21, 2010 at 7PM
The Triad, 158 West 72nd Street, 2nd floor, NYC 10023
$20 advance tickets (2 drinks minimum in cash)
Watch videos and hear songs on the official Site
Director: Jean Brassard
Musical director & Piano: Helen Russell
Guitar: Russ Spiegel
Drums: Luca Santaniello
Double bass: Jean Morel
Floanne grew up on a French farm. She moved to New York in 2000 to hone her work on stage and with the camera. This performance brings her back to her roots, and with some of the most beautiful pieces of French music, she unveils herself in this jazzy city that is now her home.
mercredi 9 juin 2010
samedi 5 juin 2010
Un film au Netflix
Le vrai titre en francais est "Une hirondelle A FAIT le printemps" et on peut le trouver a netflix avec le titre
"The Girl from Paris".
Je pense que vous l'aimeriez aussi.
jeudi 3 juin 2010
New French Film by Director of Amelie
now showing at the Angelika and AMC 25 on 42nd Street
see the trailer here
Angelika website
mercredi 26 mai 2010
Cheap Bi-Lingual Fun
$7 or free with fiaf membership
Samedi 5 Juin 7:30pm
Dimanche 6 Juin 3:30pm
Lundi 7 Juin 7:30pm
109 E 60th Street (between Park and Lex)
Reservations strongly encouraged: 212.838.5680 or

samedi 22 mai 2010
Benefit French in Williamsburg!
Dear Families,
You've asked what you can do to support PS84 José de Diego School in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Here is an easy way to help, the school is running a book fair in conjunction with Barnes and Noble next week, and part of the proceeds of all sales linked to the fair go to support the renovation of the school library. So if you are planning to buy books in the near future, please consider using your purchase to help!
You can bring the attached flyer (Sam: or bookfair number below) to the store, or if purchasing online, visit between 5/23/2010 and 5/28/2010 and enter Bookfair ID 10219509 at checkout. (Click on "start shopping now" button)
Thanks and have a great day,
Bookfair ID #10219509
Sunday, May 23 to Friday, May 28
supporting PS 84 The Jose De Diego School
Visit the Barnes and Noble on 17th Street & Union Square or go to to support us online from 05/23/10 to 05/28/10 by entering Bookfair ID 10219509 at checkout.
mardi 18 mai 2010
Pronunciation Resource
Type in a word and hear it spoken in French. Très fantastique!
samedi 15 mai 2010
Of France's 62 million people, fewer than 5 million are old enough to have any memory of the horrifying weeks in May and June 1940, when the Nazi war machine crushed the country's armed forces, forced them to sign a humiliating surrender, and marched triumphantly into Paris. The blitzkrieg, and the traumatic occupation that began 70 years ago Monday, are rapidly sliding below the horizon of living memory.
That makes it easy to see the France of 1940—which was poor, rural, homogenous, and overall quite religious—as a wholly different place from the wealthy, urbanized, multicultural, and deeply secular France of 2010. They appear, prima facie, to be radically different places. But look closer, and it's easy to see that, 70 years later, France is still very much, well, France.
Read the full article here!
jeudi 6 mai 2010
pour loyer!

salut tous ! il y a une chambre disponible en mon appartement de 3 chambres à coucher. c'est 2 blocs de Bedford L arrêt. $1375.
contact me for more information:
jeudi 29 avril 2010
samedi 24 avril 2010
Free online practice lessons (with video)
vendredi 23 avril 2010
Se fâcher contre ou se fâcher avec quelqu'un?
La tournure « *vous fâchez après moi »appartient au registre de la langue familière.
On aurait dû écrire : J’aimerais savoir pourquoi vous vous fâchez contre moi.
« Se fâcher » au sens de « se mettre en colère contre »
Lorsqu’on utilise le verbe se fâcher au sens de « se mettre en colère contre une personne ou une chose », on doit employer la préposition contre. Il en est de même lorsqu’on utilise la tournure être fâché au sens de « être en colère ».
Ils ont eu raison de se fâcher contre ces gens impolis.
Cet enfant est très fâché contre sa mère.
« Se fâcher » dans le sens de « se brouiller avec quelqu’un »
Cependant, on peut employer la prépositionavec si le verbe se fâcher a le sens de « se brouiller avec une personne ». Il en est de même si l’on emploie la tournure être fâchéau sens de « être brouillé ».
Il s’est fâché avec sa femme et elle l’a quitté.
Depuis qu’elle est fâchée avec son voisin, elle refuse de lui parler.
VILLERS, Marie-Éva de (2003).Multidictionnaire de la langue française, 4eéd., Montréal, Québec/Amérique, xxv-1542 p.
Keep smiling!
lundi 19 avril 2010
Current Student Newsletter
Please take a moment to review the policies on the Details page of my website here:
Please take special notice to the fact that some policies have recently changed. I now have a cancellation policy for all private lessons (even weekday ones) and have changed how makeup lessons work as well. You are responsible for having read the information on this page, so please take a minute to do so.
Also, I would also be so appreciative if you could take this very quick (literally 2 minutes or less) survey about SamTeachesFrench. Feedback is so crucial to how I operate - and it's completely anonymous! Even if it's been a month or two since you've been in class, please feel free to fill it out:
The deadline to sign up for the Paris trip is tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10am. Please let me know if you are thinking about it...
I have a few random weeknight/weekend private lesson slots available over the next few weeks. Contact me if you are interested in seeing which ones are available. I also have plans to have a 3rd space locked down within a couple of weeks and, with 2 new professors, that means there will be a lot of availability in general, especially on weeknights/weekends.
Merci bien à tous et à bientôt-
Sam Maher
SamTeachesFrench Trip to Paris - July 20-27, 2010!
samedi 17 avril 2010
Explication de: De plus en plus + Ségo!
Il y a de plus en plus de soleil, il y a de plus en plus de feuilles dans les arbres, il y a de plus en plus d'eau dans la rivière...
"de plus en plus" comme expression de quantité appliquée à un verbe (le plus souvent relatif à une idée générale) n'est pas suivi de l'article partitif 'de':
Il regarde de plus en plus la télévision.
Certains verbes se prêtent aux 2 emplois, c'est pourquoi on peut dire:
"Ils utilisent de plus en plus les produits surgelés" ou "ils utilisent de plus en plus de produits surgelés". Les deux sont justes si elles sont correctement justifiées et veulent dire quasiment la même chose...
J'espère que c'est plus clair!
vendredi 9 avril 2010
"Les Aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec"

"Adèle Blanc-Sec" is based on one of the first stories in a ongoing series by French comic artist Jacques Tardi focused on a cynical novelist turned journalist who faces off crooks, politicians, demo worshippers and mad scientists when a 136 year-old pterodactyl hatches in Paris in 1912.
I dont know much about this other than the clips are in French without subtitles!! Fun!
jeudi 8 avril 2010
::: The French Creative Connection ::: Arts et culture française à NYC
mercredi 7 avril 2010
Let's go see a play in NYC completely in French!
mardi 6 avril 2010
vendredi 2 avril 2010
Next weekend..."only 30 minutes from Manhattan!"
vendredi 26 mars 2010
Je prendre....?
While having lunch in Paris last week, I couldn't help but laugh (a lot) when coming across the fourth entree on this menu....
jeudi 25 mars 2010
French Ambassador to Attend Gift Ceremony on Jeanne d’Arc Carrier
New York, March 10, 2010 — The French helicopter carrier Jeanne d’Arc is berthing in New York on March 31 with one last key mission to accomplish before being decommissioned after a 46-year career spanning nearly 1,800,000 nautical miles. It carries a valuable cargo of 2,000 French-language books destined for NYC students. The French books, including dictionaries and textbooks, but also novels and comic books, will be offered to the children participating in the French-English dual-language and French Heritage Language programs, as well as the French after-school classes organized by Education Française à New York (EFNY).
mercredi 17 mars 2010

I love, love, love what this guy has to say about learning a language and his awesome quick and easy way to work it into everyday web browsing.
Definitely check it out!
jeudi 11 mars 2010
Hôtel de l'Avenir première ce soir!!

Rendez-Vous with French Cinema
Rendez-Vous with French Cinema
Presented by The Film Society of Lincoln Center and Unifrance
March 11-21, 2010
Single Screening Tickets
$15 General Public
$11 Senior
$9 Member/Student
samedi 6 mars 2010
3/8/10 Sam added: Thanks, Nick! I think it's awesome. I've had "Nous nous appelons les squelettes" in my head ALL weekend now.
jeudi 4 mars 2010
RFI- Radio France Internationale

RFI site has a section called 'Langue Francaise' where you can read and hear different articles and do simple exercises as well. You can also download the audio parts! very interesting & helpful..Besides, it's FREE!!! :)
Here's the linky--
mardi 2 mars 2010
Level One Review Questions

Please click here for a PDF of random questions all Level 1 students should be able to ask to others and respond to.
mercredi 24 février 2010
jeudi 18 février 2010
Rendez-Vous With French Cinema
Each year Rendez-Vous introduces a diverse selection of cutting-edge, contemporary French cinema. Films will be screening at the Walter Reade Theater (March 11-21) and the IFC Center (March 12-18) in New York.
mercredi 10 février 2010
to want vs. to feel like
Chers amis, cheres amies,
Dear Friends (c'est tellement plus simple en anglais...)
Anyway, je continue en anglais car je suis a la recherche de toutes les postes pas seulement des comediens (FLUENCY IN FRENCH a MUST!) mais autres psotes aussi.
Please pass the word around to people you know or do not know...
Here are the details:
La Danse
Check out the clip!
lundi 8 février 2010
My Little Paris

I wanted to share this cute website I recently came across. You can visit for a dose of what's happening in Paris and can view it in either French or English: My Little Paris
dimanche 7 février 2010
Les Choristes
vendredi 29 janvier 2010
The first-ever SamTeachesFrench field trip!
Saturday, February 13, 7:00 p.m.
Fragments: A Salon Performance of Excerpts from Racine and Lagarce
With Mina Morova and Holger Staude, recent alumni of L'Avant-Scène, the French theater workshop of Princeton University's Department of French and Italian.
Directed by Florent Masse (Princeton University)
In French.
Reservations: 212-998-8750;
La Maison Française is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The building re-opens a half-hour before evening programs. All events are open to the public and free of charge unless otherwise indicated.
La Maison Française
16 Washington Mews (corner of University Place)
New York, NY 10003
Tel. 212-998-8750
lundi 25 janvier 2010
dimanche 24 janvier 2010
jeudi 14 janvier 2010
Flashcards specific to SamTeachesFrench

One of my favorite students, Jay Ellis, has made a wonderful website to help you with practicing vocabulary that is specific to your SamTeachesFrench lessons. The site uses virtual flashcards that help you memorize and get more comfortable with the verbs, nouns, adverbs and groups of expressions (plus more!) that I cover in all levels!
The site is even formatted to look great on your iPhone as it turns it into a virtual stack of electronic flashcards that you can work with while waiting at the doctor's office, riding in a taxi, or just killing time in general.
And whether you have an iPhone or not, you can benefit from having these flaschards on your computer screen so that you can even get away with studying them at work without anyone knowing! Can you think of a better way to spend a boring afternoon at the office than catching up on your French studies?
Studying these "cards" once or twice a week will definitely increase your ease of speaking in class and aid you in remembering the often long lists of vocabulary that I give you to study as homework each week.
OR Use these as a way to stay in shape when you are in-between class sessions!
You can check out the free preview here to get a sense of what it is like:
In this preview version, you can only access three categories and each of those three categories only has a few words in them each, but if you like what you see, you can purchase a password for full access to the entire database (each list is complete based on the Level One and Two/Three/Four textbook)
It's only $20 for unlimited access! You can even pay via Paypal (to and I will email you a password so that you can immediately log in to the full site. If you prefer to pay by cash or check, just bring it to me at your next class session and I'll give you a password then but email me now if you are going to do that so that I can keep track and remind you in class:
I'm so excited to move into having more online tools like this one available to make your SamTeachesFrench learning experience even more integrated and comprehensive. Vive le français!
Press Release - Galette Des Rois Party!
Contact: Sam Maher
Phone: 917-747-3043
“Galette Des Rois” Party Hosted By Entrepreneurial Teacher
French and French-lovers alike will be convening at The Richardson in Williamsburg on Friday, January 22nd from 6:30-8:30pm for the first annual “Galette Des Rois” Party, which is a French tradition celebrating l’Epiphanie (the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem). Taking center stage at the party will be a large pastry-like cake that has a fève (small prize) somewhere inside. Whoever receives the slice of cake containing the trinket will be crowned the Roi or Reine for the evening and has certain privileges unbeknownst to them. Think New Orleans king cake celebrations, but with Kir Royales and Edith Piaf and Serge Gainsbourg crooning in the background.
Weeknight private lesson slots in February and March
I have over 17 classes a week and they are all on weeknights and weekends, so you can imagine that really only leaves weekday daytimes open for private lessons. However, for the first time in SamTeachesFrench history, I've decided to open up a few weeknight slots in Februrary and March for those of you who only are available during those times. The dates and times that I have available are as follows.
Tuesdays 8-10pm on:
Feb 16
Feb 23
March 2
March 9
and Mondays 8-10pm on:
Jan 25
Feb 1
Feb 8
Feb 15
Feb 22
Also, in case it is an option for anyone, I sometimes have 4-6pm or 4:30-6:30pm time slots open as well on weekdays because my classes don't start until 6 or 6:30pm. I do have many students who take those times on different days each week, but there are usually a couple of days each week where that slot is open. Maybe some of you can get out of work an hour or so early one day a week for a few weeks? Just tell your boss it's for learning French which will be very good for your professional life! :-)
Private lessons are $70 for 2 hours and your 7th lesson is free. The "private lesson package" is $420 for 14 hours of class and the math works out to be the same as this "one-off" plan.
For daytime private lessons, I'm pretty flexible and don't really have a cancellation policy in place because if someone isn't able to make it (even last-minute), I usually have plenty of work to do anyway and don't mind if someone has to reschedule. These weeknight slots, however, are at a premium and very limited so I am requiring that they be paid for in advance. To reserve a specific time, you can email me and then payment can be done either through Paypal (easiest) or you can drop off cash/check one weeknight while I'm teaching at the studio.
I'm sure these spots will go really fast so be sure to let me know ASAP which ones you are interested in booking! As always, please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
A très bientôt, j'espère -
Sam Maher
(917) 747-3043
dimanche 27 décembre 2009
vendredi 18 décembre 2009
A great place to practice numbers online.
(Note that there are "listen" links to practice listening comprehension and pronunciation!)
mercredi 16 décembre 2009
mardi 15 décembre 2009
jeudi 10 décembre 2009
mardi 8 décembre 2009
vendredi 20 novembre 2009
Chocolate and Zucchini
The blog is written in English (made possible by her two years spent living in San Francisco learning English) but Coltilde also maintains a French version at Looks like comparing the French version of the site to the English would be a great way to learn more French if you have the time!
jeudi 19 novembre 2009
Big announcement: Level 4 Class!
I have some very exciting news: For the first time ever, I am offering a Level 4 class! It will be on Mondays from 6-8pm, from December 14 - February 22 here at my Williamsburg classroom on Graham Avenue and Ainslie Street. I have hired Christina Rufin, a professor who is a native speaker to teach the class, but we will be designing the curriculum together. Christina is one of my former professors from the New School and actually taught the Level 4 class that I was in (as a student, myself) several years ago. She is an incredible teacher who is really good at helping students make sense of the really difficult topics of Intermediate-level French.
The topics that will be covered in the class are:
lundi 9 novembre 2009
dimanche 25 octobre 2009
Sa-weeet French language site!
I had been looking words up in my dictionary and copying down the phonetic spellings for a few weeks now but was still having issues with a lot of the vowel sounds because phonetic spellings of vowels are, well, pretty tricky in any language. Since finding this site though I think I might have a chance at getting those pronunciations right! The tutorial goes over every single French vowel sound side-by-side with its phonetic spelling, along with a native French speaker saying the sounds. Incroyable! Check it out.
And if it helps you to know how those vowel sounds are made in your mouth (backness, roundedness, nasalization, etc.), I've found that the Wikipedia page on vowels is pretty useful: Click on the IPA vowel chart, which contains links to a recording of every sound. It's a bit annoying that you have to download first if you're on a Mac to hear anything but it might be worth it to possibly learn these sounds correctly. Some day!
lundi 19 octobre 2009
lundi 12 octobre 2009
French radio station:: funky music
J'écoute cette radio française et j'aime elle beaucoup!
dimanche 11 octobre 2009
Ce que j’ai fait hier.
J’ai donné aux chiens leur petit déjeuner.
Je me suis habillée.
J’ai pris le métro pour aller au travail à neuf heures.
J’ai dessiné des vêtements pour les chiens sur mon ordinateur.
J’ai mangé mon déjeuner à ma table.
J’ai pris le métro à la maison à six heures.
J’ai acheté les ingredients pour le dîner à C-Town.
J’ai donné à mes chiens le dîner.
J’ai fait le dîner pour moi et mon mari.
J’ai étudié le français en écoutant de la musique.
J’ai dansé pendant que mon mari a joué du banjo.
On s'est couché à douze heures.
jeudi 1 octobre 2009
mardi 29 septembre 2009
French Audio Dictionaries
I've found some online French audio dictionaries which have been a great help to me so far, and may be for you as well. All of them seem to be pronounced by native speakers (or a very good facsimile of one).
- This one seems to be a collection of around 2,500 words, sorted alphabetically. The root page is listed below, and this has various other resources attached to it.
- This is sorted in to many groups. Within Vocabulary List, there is a subset of several other lists sorted by category. Also, verbs and several other useful phrase categories.
- Lastly, this is which is a great resource for pronouncing pretty much anything. I've linked directly to French which has 11,000+ pronunciations, although some of those may be redundant, with different accents pronouncing the same word. Either way, I've found this to be very helpful.
I hope these are of use to everyone.
lundi 28 septembre 2009
A lengthy explanation on the choice of articles in French...

NOTE: Use this "guide" to help make visual sense of the written explanation below:
In French, all nouns require an article. There are the three major types of articles: indefinite, definite, and partitive.
Indefinite articles (un/une/des) work exactly the same way as "a" or "some" in English. They are used to describe something non-specific.
"I need a book to bear down on."
"Is there a bakery near here?"
mercredi 16 septembre 2009
mercredi 9 septembre 2009
Le Week-End Dernière

Passé Composé Help!
I just wanted to let you know that there is something that I have found for extra help with the passé composé [and many other lessons as well]. It's a pod cast called Coffee Break French. I am an avid listener of the pod cast and find it to be a very useful tool after having class with Sam. It's great for listening on the subway for a refresher of what Sam covers in class. The passe compose is covered over lesson 53-58 outlined below (CBF calls it the Perfect Tense but it is the same thing). The Imperfect tense starts at lesson 62.
Lesson 53- Passe Compose with Avoir and ER verbs
Lesson 54- Passe Compose with Avoir and RE and IR verbs
Lesson 55- Passe Compose with Avoir and Irregular verbs.
Lesson 56- Passe Compose with Etre- Intro with Aller
Lesson 57- Passe Compose with Etre
Lesson 58- Passe Compose with Etre and Reflexive verbs
mercredi 26 août 2009
Jeu: Cherchez un coloc en France!
Prétendez que vous cherchez un coloc comme l'exercice que je vous donne en fin du Chapitre 2 (niveau 2). Les vraies annonces sont plutôt bonnes parce qu'elles sont réelles avec beaucoup d'argot et de langue familière.
C'est cool, non?
mardi 25 août 2009
A great book/cd for my students to do some additional practice!
Click here for the Barnes and Noble direct link!
Devoir: qu'est-ce que vous avez fait hier?
mercredi 19 août 2009
La vie en banlieue
WARNING: There is graphic violence in some parts of this music video.